Exhibition title: A Casa do Tempo – Nascita di Venere
After a successful debut in Paris, the exhibition “A Casa do Tempo | Nascita di Venere” (The House of Time | Birth of Venus) opens at the National Historical Museum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
On exhibition were 13 paintings, 14 objects and 16 installations. Christina’s inspiration for the works came from the imagery – symbols of life, fecundity, maternal spirituality and the feminine universe – and the colours (from gold to shades of pastel red) of Botticelli’s Birth of Venus. Thus, shells, pearls and images of the goddess Venus were recurring in her art, and almost always linked to a portal, symbol for the path of life, duality, light and dark. She used mixed techniques, such as repeated layered paintings, computer enhanced images, collage …
Related Media below:
▸ The introduction of the exhibition, by Paulo Coelho; pdf in Portuguese, English and French.
▸ Press notice for the exhibition; pdf in Portuguese