Undated text “A Arte Desentranhada” by Marcos Castrioto de Azambuja.
“Gutted Art”
Christina’s work is more than created, it is rigorously disentangled.
In the same way that the artist’s work emerges from its depths, Christina Oiticica’s work, or at least a part of it, returns to earth and is recuperated afterwards, following an “incubation” period being buried.
Nature becomes Christina’s partner, and each work is somehow given a fingerprint of nature itself.
The partnership between artist and nature is powerful. The results are surprising. It is as if the arbitrary hand of the elements completed the artist’s original intention, bringing to the work a special density and uniqueness.
Christina Oiticica, in digging up her works, must be surprised at what nature’s invisible hand has done with her original designs.
The end result of this extraordinary partnership is a literally inimitable art because in each case the waters, the winds, and the mysteries of the stones and earth interacted uniquely on the created matter.
Marcos Castrioto of Azambuja