Christina Oiticica

Christina Oiticica

Coração Bahia – Bahia Heart

The Bahia Heart is made of a metal wire frame with thousands of “Fitas do Senhor do Bonfim” (literally Tape of the Lord of Bonfim) knotted onto it. Fitas do Senhor do Bonfim are wish ribbons in various colours, imprinted with the text “Lembrança do Senhor do Bonfim da Bahia” (Remembrance of the Lord of Bonfim of Bahia). Traditionally, these ribbons are wrapped around the wrist, with 3 knots (for each knot, make a wish) and keep the ribbon on your wrist until it falls off. When it does, your 3 wishes will come true, or so the story goes.


Artwork Details

Year: 2016 Textile on wire mesh frame, 145 x 125 cm


  1. Regard sur la Féminité

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