Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho

The mystical-religious universe of the work of Paulo Coelho from his readers’ point of view 1998

Original title: O universo místico-religioso da obra de Paulo Coelho na ótica de seu leitor
1998, Magda Viviane dos Santos Pereira, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil

Paper presented at the thematic seminar “New Age and the alternative complex”. VIII Conference on Religious Alternatives in Latin America,
São Paulo, September 22-25, 1998

In this paper, the aim is to explore the profile of Paulo Coelho’s readers. The adopted viewpoint is that of “who reads, how they read, and why they read . It seeks to identify the social, cultural and subjective meanings implied in this reading, as well as apprehend the meaning for the personal life of the reader attributed to this reading.

©Magda Viviane dos Santos Pereira
The Paulo Coelho & Christina Oiticica Foundation does not own the copyright for this text and therefore we cannot make the entire document available to you. We have included one or more of its pages as an example of the various works by others based on books by Paulo Coelho.


Language: Portuguese Publication Date: 1998

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